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четвртак, 27. април 2017.
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среда, 26. април 2017.
Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away
There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...
There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.
They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.
This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.
The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.
These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.
I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.
Best Wishes,
Rene Warren
There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.
They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.
This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.
The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.
These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.
I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.
Best Wishes,
Rene Warren
Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away
There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...
There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.
They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.
This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.
The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.
These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.
I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.
Best Wishes,
Paula Potter
There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.
They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.
This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.
The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.
These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.
I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.
Best Wishes,
Paula Potter
уторак, 25. април 2017.
This company's being acquired tomorrow
Its share price is going through the stratosphere.
The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.
I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.
In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.
This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.
This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.
You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold
These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.
I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.
I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.
Best Regards,
Everett Edwards
The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.
I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.
In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.
This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.
This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.
You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold
These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.
I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.
I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.
Best Regards,
Everett Edwards
This company's being acquired tomorrow
Its share price is going through the stratosphere.
The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.
I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.
In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.
This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.
This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.
You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold
These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.
I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.
I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.
Best Regards,
Cruz Maxwell
The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.
I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.
In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.
This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.
This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.
You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold
These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.
I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.
I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.
Best Regards,
Cruz Maxwell
By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher
Did you read my urgent email yesterday?
I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.
Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.
In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.
The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).
They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.
I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.
The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.
These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.
Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.
You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.
Best Regards,
Earnestine Roman
I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.
Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.
In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.
The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).
They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.
I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.
The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.
These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.
Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.
You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.
Best Regards,
Earnestine Roman
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понедељак, 24. април 2017.
Вас обманули!
ТОП10 быдлосамооправданий зависимых людей:
1. "Кто не курит и не пьет тот здоровеньким помрет!!!" <-***+> Ровно дышит, сильно бьёт... И проживет, как правило, намного дольше, намного более осмысленную и счастливую жизнь без лишних страданий.
2. "Жить вообще вредно- от неё умирают!!!" <-***+> Умирают не от жизни, а от болезней. В том числе от прямых и косвенных следствий употребления алкоголя.
3. "Прием алкоголя- русская традиция!!!" <-***+> Русские всегда пили меньше европейцев. В ХIV веке генуэзские купцы впервые привезли виноградный спирт на Русь(до этого пили только медовуху или квас не крепче 2-3% только взрослые мужчины по праздникам). Естественно, напиток был признан непригодным к употреблению, а использование его допускалось лишь в приготовлении медицинских настоев (и то – в разбавленном состоянии). До XVIII века алкоголь народу продавали только в кабаках (которых в то время было один-два на целый город, т.к. спрос на алкоголь был в основном среди иностранцев). К 1950 году советский народ НЕ входил даже в первые 50 стран по потреблению алкоголя. Понимание того, сколько бед приносит алкоголь, отметилось в нашей истории антиалкогольными бунтами, движениями, сухими законами и постоянной борьбой с алкогольным лобби.
4. "Я не могу бросить... уже поздно!!!" <-***+> Вылечиться можно на любой стадии зависимости даже в случае запущенного алкоголизма с помощью метода Шичко.
5. "Я могу бросить в любой момент!!!" <-***+> Но момент этот НИКОГДА не настаёт...
6. "Я принимаю в меру/редко/мало..., в хорошей компании и под шашлычок это никак не вредит!!!" <-***+> Оптимальная мера безвредного употребления наркотиков для здорового человека в любой ситуации равна нулю.
7. "Моя компания не поймёт! Если человек не пьет, то он либо болен либо сволочь!!!" <-***+> Компания не оплачивает лечение и не компенсирует вред употребления, так что её мнение в данном вопросе можно смело игнорировать. Настоящие друзья не будут против вашего здоровья и благополучия.
8. "Алкоголь помогает справиться со страхами/проблемами/работой/холодом/давлением/бактериями/...!!!" <-***+> Типичные мифы, многократно развенчанные наркологами. Мнимые плюсы всегда покрываются несопоставимыми реальными минусами.
9. " Пиво и вино содержат полезные примеси! Ученые доказали пользу умеренного потребления!!!" <-***+> Те же вещества(и другие, не менее полезные) можно легко получить из продуктов питания, коими наркотики не являются. Лоббирование алкоголя на всех уровнях давно и глубоко проникло и в сферу "научных исследований". Все подобные исследования пестрят различными манипуляциями, основанными на тонкостях методов обработки статистических данных и представления результатов. Норм безвредного употребления наркотиков не существует и ни один компетентный врач в здравом уме не посоветует "умеренно" принимать алкоголь.
10. "Насильно в глотку не заливают! Никто никого не спаивает, просто народ у нас плохой/тупой/больной/ленивый/...! Пусть умрут слабые, это естественный отбор!!!" <-***+> Заливают сразу в мозг скрытой рекламой. Насилие над психикой, которое ничем не лучше, чем физическое. Лоббирование и разрешение пропаганды(демонстрации в магазинах, кино и СМИ) вопрос в первую очередь деструктивной власти, убивающей каждый год миллион русских. Без рекламы и в том числе рекламной пропаганды спрос в разы меньше или его вообще нет. Так как устойчивость к пропаганде не закладывается генетически, то подобный "отбор" не естественный.
I have a tip to share with you
In less than 2 days, this stock will go up 20 times overnight.
I've done a lot for you over the years and you've made an insane amount of profits listening to me.
Today and tomorrow is your last chance to seize the opportunity before it disappears.
My good friend who works at a firm I will not mention in upstate NY told me that a big takeover is about to happen.
A little American biopharma company discovered a new treatment for cancerous tumors and one of the biggest companies (starts with a P) is going to announce the official takeover on Wednesday (in 2 days).
The price at which this will happen more than 20 times what their stock is trading at now. Literally at 23 bucks a share from a current 80 cents.
Write this symbol down, it's the first letter of each word: Quest Science Management Gate that's q followed by s then m and g
This is the 4 letter symbol you need to tell your broker you want to buy, or just type it in yourself in your brokerage.
I hope you're ready to make it big. I expect a big thank you and an invite for steak this weekend.
Best Regards,
Jaime Salas
I've done a lot for you over the years and you've made an insane amount of profits listening to me.
Today and tomorrow is your last chance to seize the opportunity before it disappears.
My good friend who works at a firm I will not mention in upstate NY told me that a big takeover is about to happen.
A little American biopharma company discovered a new treatment for cancerous tumors and one of the biggest companies (starts with a P) is going to announce the official takeover on Wednesday (in 2 days).
The price at which this will happen more than 20 times what their stock is trading at now. Literally at 23 bucks a share from a current 80 cents.
Write this symbol down, it's the first letter of each word: Quest Science Management Gate that's q followed by s then m and g
This is the 4 letter symbol you need to tell your broker you want to buy, or just type it in yourself in your brokerage.
I hope you're ready to make it big. I expect a big thank you and an invite for steak this weekend.
Best Regards,
Jaime Salas
This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy
If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Ruby Cook
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Ruby Cook
This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy
If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Lynne Roberson
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Lynne Roberson
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